Get involved
If you share our commitment to supporting the churches, the ministers and their work, and our scholars, we hope that you will wish to become involved.
Joining The Friends means that you will be able to shape our work; your subscription will help to support our scholarship programme and work in Scotland and, especially, Palestine and Israel.
the Ministers, partner organisations, and our Scholarship Programme
and learn about life in Israel and Palestine
newsletters and updates
St Andrew's Day with our linked service
leaving a legacy in your will
Why else?
Keep in touch with us via our newsletter, our regularly updated website and our Facebook page. We’ll also keep you up to date with what the Ministers are doing.
Our St Andrew’s Day service in Edinburgh, our AGM, and our occasional meetings with speakers are all open to everyone who is interested; do please feel free to come along. And, of course, if you are in Jerusalem at this time, you’d be very welcome at their annual service in St Andrew’s Scots Memorial Church.
Our services and speaker meetings are recorded and can be viewed later if you are unable to attend in person.
A one-off donation is always welcome.
If you are a taxpayer, please consider gift aiding your subscriptions and contributions.
Anything else we can help with? Email The Secretary at secretary@friendsofstandrews.com

Payment Details
The Church of Scotland
Account no: 00134859
Sort code: 830608
Reference: FSAJ SUBS - name (for membership)
FSAJ DON - name (for donations)
Please make payable to: The Church of Scotland
and send to: The Friends of St Andrew’s,
Jerusalem & Tiberias
c/o Church of Scotland,
121 George Street,
Edinburgh EH2 4YN
Standing Order
You can also pay using Paypal on the Church of Scotland website.
Select “Donate to a congregation” half way down the page, type Jerusalem, deselect the Gift Aid option if you are not in the UK, then click the Donate button. You will be taken to Paypal where you should enter £20 and add note FSAJ SUB – and your name
To learn more, or just to contact us, please email The Secretary here.
All information is kept strictly confidential and is held in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998