A prayer for Christmas 2024 from The Friends’ Convener, Andrew McLellan

Christmas: and what are we like?
We are the shepherds who could not hear the songs of angels; or would not listen to the crying of a newborn. We go our way unchanged, unchallenged, unhealed.
What are we like? We are wise ones who know so much and who understand so little. There is so much we have learned, but so little of what we have learned is what matters. We offer gifts, but we keep ourselves for ourselves.
God, make us different. Make us as you would have us be. Make us your Christmas people, believing that love is better than hate. Take from us the coldness and the fear and the lovelessness which we have stored up for years; and make our hearts new again in the birth of destiny’s child.
Then with hearts made new we will this Christmas truly pray for peace in the name of the Prince of Peace. Peace in Gaza and Jerusalem and Bethlehem and Beirut and Damascus. Peace for all the broken places in the world and peace for all the broken people of the world. Give us the new hearts we need so that we can truly pray Your kingdom come, your will be done.