Stewart and Muriel (the ministers at St Andrew's Jerusalem and Tiberias) have been evacuated from Jerusalem. As we give thanks for their safety, we remember that there are still Church of Scotland staff in Israel and the West Bank, partners in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank, and continue to pray for them and their families, and for everyone caught up in this awful situation. The following words are from Stewart on 12th October at 10.00pm their time

Stewart writes : I write from Amman, following a day of travel from Jerusalem with colleagues and with volunteers from the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programne in Palestine and Israel. With heavy hearts, even as families and friends express their/your relief. We pray prayers of gratitude and grief. Prayers of lament, letting it out, letting ourselves out, before the Lord. Muriel and I fly out with three Methodist friends in the morning for Abu Dhabi, London and, for us two, Glasgow, due in at 23.25 God willing. The photo is of the bus stop this morning on the Israeli side of Sheikh Hussein bridge. For 5 shekels, and an exit doc, you bus it across the Jordan River.