One month after the 7 October attacks this prayer comes to us from our Convener, Andrew McLellan.
Lord Jesus, risen from death, your first word to your friends was “Peace”. Peace is your first word and your last word. On this day we pray for peace.
Peace for the whole world, and peace for that part of the world where the killing has not stopped for a month. For that part of your world where our Israeli and Palestinian sisters and brothers know no peace: hostages and children and soldiers and women and wounded and bereaved: we cry for peace.
Peace for that part of your church which we love, for St Andrew’s Jerusalem and Tiberias, its congregation and its ministers and its friends. Calm their fear, strengthen their faith, nourish their hope
“Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.” May I do some work of peace, or say some word of peace today for the sake of the whole world. And through this day, let me always remember the children.