We were pleased to welcome many Friends, and their friends, to the AGM on Friday 17th May. If you were unable to join us, you can watch it here.
We also watched videos from Joe Nockels (2023 Scholar) and Rev Muriel Pearson who outlined plans for the Galilee Garden in Tiberias.
Many stayed for lunch and more Friends joined us to hear from Rev Dr Stewart Gillan, Additionally, we were introduced to Joanne Billeh, from Jordan., who was in Scotland, representing the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem (which covers Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan) at the General Assembly. Joanne is a member of her home congregation in Amman.
It was with sadness that we marked the retirement of Carol Morton from the Committee - her great contribution was rightly recognised. We are delighted to be joined, by Rev Dr Ian Alexander and Mrs Val Brown. Ian, bringing huge experience from the Middle East Committee, takes up the rein of vice-Convener. Val's many years with Christian Aid Scotland, amongst other areas, will be equally valued.